Sunday, May 24, 2020

The s Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell And The Flea

The representation of sexual pleasure and intercourse throughout â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† by Andrew Marvell and â€Å"The Flea† by John Donne functions as a way to present, confirm and refute the traditional stereotypical view of carpe diem love poetry. The speakers within both poems aim to â€Å"seize the day† by wooing and taking advantage of women and their virginity and sexuality. They not only want to take advantage of the time they have but also make sure they do not regret not doing anything in the future. In specific, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† presents the view that men are able to manipulate and seduce women through the use of inappropriate and often graphic imagery. The speaker identifies the couple’s lack of time as a way to advance his wooing and potentially speed up the foreplay. In doing so, the speaker is presented as being persistent and sleazy due to his relentlessness of pursuing. Representation of carpe diem love is also shown in â€Å"The Flea.† This poem contains a different tone than that of â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† due to the speaker being shown as less threatening in his sexual pursuit of the woman. The speaker shows the representation with the male’s sexual agenda being aided by the description of a flea as well as the usage of â€Å"flirty† and often humorous language. Both poems are discussing and referring to the act of sexual intercourse and in doing so relate these exploits to the commonly used theme of carpe diem to justify the speaker’s actions. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† byShow MoreRelatedThe Flea, By Andrew Marvell996 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Donne s, The Flea, and Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress are persuasive poem in which the speaker is attempting to establish a sexual union with his significant other. These poems is spoken by a male lover to his female beloved as an attempt to convince her to sleep with him. John Donne and Marvell brings out and shapes this meaning through his collective use of conceit, rhythm, and rhyme scheme. The basic theme of the poems is the speaker’s need to turn his â€Å"coy mistress† into a â€Å"willingRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne And His Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell1059 Words   |  5 Pageslike John Donne and Andrew Marvell who participated in a type of poetry referred to as metaphysical. Metaphysical poetry essentially is poetry that deals with things that are more philosophical than anything else. This type of poetry also is very emotion based but also has logically aspects. These poets have written several bodies of work that can fall under the metaphysical umbrella. Two examples of metaphysical poems written by these two poets are The Flea and To His Coy Mistress. Being metaphysicalRead MoreComparison of how The Flea and To His Coy Mistress Present and Develop the Poets Arguments2031 Words   |  9 PagesThe Flea and To His Coy Mistress are two poems written by poets living during the Renaissance Period. To His Coy Mistress was written by Andrew Marvell and The Flea was written by John Donne. Both of these poets were well-educated metaphysical poets, and these poems illustrate metaphysical concerns, highly abstract and theoretical ideas, that the poets would have been interested in. Both poems are based around the same idea of trying to reason with a mistress as to why they should give up theirRead MoreLove in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Essay1850 Words   |  8 PagesLove in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Both To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) and The Flea, by John Donne (1572-1631) present different attitudes to love. Both are also structured very differently and occasionally use contrasting imagery. Each poem was written in the 17th century, just after the Renaissance. The poets were metaphysical poets. Although the metaphysic was originally a derogatory term, metaphysical poetry used intellectual and theologicalRead MoreThe Carpe Diem Poetry By Andrew Marvell Essay1773 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"To His Coy Mistress† by Andrew Marvell reveals multiple themes that insist that people should use their time effectively. More specifically, it illustrates mortality and how death is inevitable, insisting individuals should enjoy the pleasures the world offers, especially sex. Robert Herrick’s â€Å"To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time† also insists that virgins should use their time well and ensure that death does not end any plans they had. John Donne’s â€Å"The Flea† uses the image of a flea and the mixingRead More The Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell6621 Words   |  27 PagesThe Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell The Flea by John Donne is written in the 17th century as is To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell. This we can see by the language used which was typical of that period in time apt to kill me and yea which are taken from the flea. Both poems also speak of virginity being very important, especially before marriage because if a woman had lost her maidenhead before, the husband would have the right to leave her withoutRead MoreCharacteristics of Metaphysical Poetry876 Words   |  4 Pagessensual; about man s relationship with God - the eternal perspective, and, to a less extent, about pleasure, learning and art. Metaphysical poems are lyric poems. They are brief but intense meditations, characterized by striking use of wit, irony and wordplay. Beneath the formal structure (of rhyme, metre and stanza) is the underlying (and often hardly less formal) structure of the poem s argument. Note that there may be two (or more) kinds of argument in a poem. In To His Coy Mistress the explicit argumentRead MoreMetaphysical Poetry By John Donne1590 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition above was according to English language, however according to poetry is†¦. Many poets got involved in metaphysical poetry like: Samuel Johnson who wrote his book which is known as ‘’Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets’’, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvel, Richard Crashaw, George Herbert and finally who was the main founder, John Donne. John Donne (1572 - 1631), the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry, lived and wrote during the succeeding reigns of Elizabeth I, James 1 and CharlesRead Morethatcher4803 Words   |  20 PagesMourning†, â€Å"The Flea†, â€Å"Hymn to God, My God in my Sickness† 4. George Herbert, â€Å"The Collar†, â€Å"The Altar†, â€Å"Love III† 5. Andrew Marvell, â€Å"To his Coy Mistress† 6. T.S. Eliot, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†, â€Å"Journey of the Magi† 2. Poems for individual reading: 1. William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 (â€Å"That time of year†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 2. John Donne, â€Å"Holy Sonnet I† (â€Å"Thou hast made me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ), â€Å"Holy Sonnet IX† (â€Å"If poisonous minerals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ), 3. George Herbert, â€Å"Easter†, â€Å"Denial†, â€Å"Paradise† 4. Andrew Marvell, â€Å"On a

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Personal and Cultural Identity in Things Fall Apart and “I...

Thursday, January 17 Personal and Cultural Identity in Things Fall Apart and â€Å"I Lost My Talk† Identity can be explained as the state or fact of being a specific person or thing. [definition is good, but needs to be more specific] A specific person or thing can be defined by his/her personality, interests, family, community or culture. [connect your definition to the novel and poem—that’s why previous sentence was inserted] In both Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and in Rita Joe’s â€Å"I Lost My Talk†, Okonkwo and the persona, become confused about who they are and lose their respective identities. [Notice I insert the topics of your three body paragraphs here] Okonkwo and the persona have a certain degree of power that†¦show more content†¦The persona describes how she lost the power to speak her own language: â€Å"The talk you took away†. In the poem the persona describes how she can talk â€Å"Two ways† but that her own language is â€Å"snatched . . . away† and that she must â€Å"speak like yo u / . . . think like you† because â€Å"[y]our way is more powerful† (â€Å"I Lost My Talk†, Rita Joe). In the poem, â€Å"I Lost My Talk†, the persona feels powerless because she feels that she has lost her language and thus her identity. In both Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Rita Joe’s â€Å"I Lost My Talk† a person who has power loses it quickly. [People who lose power may lose their personal identity-connect to works more smoothly—instead TRY:] Okwonko in Things Fall Apart and the persona in â€Å"I Lost My Talk† are people who lose their power and then lose their personal identity. When Okonkwo flees to Mbanta, he loses his personal identity because he loses his power. When Okonkwo is in Mbanta serving his time, the missionaries known as white men try to convert the people of Umuofia to follow their religion. [Evidence—how does this relate to his personal identity—you don’t really explai n] When Okonkwo returns, things have changed in Umuofia. The people of Umuofia call for a meeting in the marketplace [to discuss †¦..] and at the meeting the missionaries came to say the powerful white man â€Å"ordered th[e] meeting to stop† (Achebe 204). Okonkwo is angered by [what? Be more specific] and kills the missionary. [EitherShow MoreRelatedLanguage Is More Violent Than War?1426 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Who is to say that robbing people of its language is less violent than war?† Ray Gwyn Smith. I’ve always had this struggle with my identity because I am Mexican and American. I grew up speaking Spanish and English, and was always being policed on what language I was allowed to speak. If I was with my parents they only wanted me to speak in Spanish and when I was at school I was actually forced to only speak English. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Struggles Of Nursing School - 1384 Words

The Struggles of Nursing School When people think of nursing school, they usually think of bedpans and needles. Thats only a small part. I learned that nursing school was going to be some much more than bedpans and needles, when I attended my first day of class then my first day of clinical. Nursing school sure has change my outlook on how hard I am on myself. On the first day of school, I arrived fifteen minutes early, nervous and excited, I had a huge smile on my face and alot of confidence. My first class, which was Foundations of Nursing, I stood at the back of the class room while other students were looked for a seat and chatted with others. The room had many lights and seemed bright, but also had a musty smell as it does after it†¦show more content†¦My husband made sure a home cooked meal was ready when I came home from work. From folders and binders, to keeping a planner, keeping myself organized was priority. In my planner, I wrote every class and every assignment for that class and then checked it off in my planner as I turned it into the drop-box on my computer. Each class had a drop box for each assignment under the class tab on the internet. After I put it in the drop box, it was graded within a week by the instructor. My favorite part of school were the clinical sites, as I was signed up to go to Catholic Care Nursing Home. On the first morning, I put on my navy-blue scrub pants and my tan scrub top. Feeling very nervous; my stomach was turning while I was trying to clip my ID badge to my top. I made sure I had my stethoscope, ink pens and a note book in my pocket. I grabbed a granola bar on my way out to my car from the kitchen, then got into my car and headed to the care home in Belair. The brick building seemed huge and the parking lot had several cars. I drove around the parking lot to find the door, thankfully there was a parking spot 10 spots from the door. I got out of my car and started walking to the door. The morning felt cold, I walked at a fast pace. Once I entered through the door, a musty and weird medical smell filled the air. Several older people in wheelchairs, some were sleeping. A few of them were awake and I saidShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Finding The Right Staff1028 Words   |  5 Pages Business Topic: US businesses are struggling more in current years than ever before. Many of the struggles are the same for several businesses; no matter the size or focus of the business. These struggles are causing many businesses to close and others to refocus their business strategies. For many these issues are forcing business out of the US. The US economy is suffering along with the businesses. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Governance in Nursing-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about Governance in Nursing. Answer: Shared governance in nursing can be defined as the working model of participatory decisions making in healthcare centers. Here, the nursing professionals are organized to make decisions about their quality improvement, clinical practice standards, staffs as well as professional development and researches. This mainly takes place while acting as one of the important professional of the multidisciplinary team which provides importance to four important aspects (Clavelle et al. 2016). These are the equality, empowerment, accountability and partnership. Equality mainly involves shared as well as equal focus on patients, services and staffs which are considered by researchers to be highly essential in providing safe and effective care. The next aspect is empowerment where the nursing professionals should gain the authority as well as the autonomy to make decisions about their nursing practices which will ensure them following the principles of beneficence for their patients welfare. The t hird aspect is accountability where the nurse should develop the responsibility and willingness to participate in practices which are ethically and legally apt by proper decision making with the partners of the multidisciplinary teams (Ott and Ross 2014). The next aspect of the shared decision making is called the partnership which mainly emphasizes on the collaboration as well as teamwork among the different experts of the multidimensional teams and also among caregivers and patients and families. The NMBA standards of nursing practice also states in standard 2 that nurses should engage in therapeutic and professional relationships I order to bring out the best health outcomes of patients. A very good example can be provided for a patient who had been admitted to the hospital due to her increase in pain of her knees due to the osteoarthritis. The patient was obese and therefore it was important to appoint a dietician to educate her about the diet and fix up a diet plan. Although the nursing professional had the due to treat her for pain management, an orthopedic physician was consulted to provide his suggestion son the treatment to be followed for her. A physiotherapist was also allocated for her to maintain a therapeutic session with her helping her to overcome her pain. The nursing professionals had to provide the correct medications for her as it was her duty. A social carer was also assigned to her to help her conduct her daily activities as she was quite old and had the chance of fall. Besides, a counselor was assigned to her as she was suffering for depression due to her loss of independency and had withdrawn herself. All the work of teams were coordinated by the nursing professionals besides caring for the patient in each of her aspects and helping her lead a better life with compassion, empathy and kindness. Clinical governance: Clinical governance may be defined as the domain in the healthcare sectors where the nursing professionals are considered as the main epitomes who are responsible for the quality and safety of the patient care to achieve high standards of clinical care. This mainly includes using his management of resources, clinical and self governance. Researchers are of the opinion that there are many aspects which are extremely important for nurses to maintain clinical governance. This includes proper interactions between service user, carer and public involvement. The next important aspects are risk management and clinical audit. Besides, staffing and staff management, education and training, clinical effectiveness and clinical information are also important. Researchers are of the opinion that nurses are held accountable for the continuous improvement of the quality of the care for the patients through their services (Smith, Latter anmd Blenkinsopp 2014). It also instructs the nurse for safegua rding high care of the nurses by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care is encouraged. Following evidence based care and maintaining its effectiveness by applying this practice in the workplace ensures safe care for the patients and also ensures quality where the patient can get well due to the application of the most modern forms of treatments (Prenestini et al. 2015). The NMBA standards of nursing practice states that the nurses should provide safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice so that patients can get well. Standard 4 and 5 states that nurses should comprehensively conduct assessment and should also develop a plan for nursing practice which would help in providing the most modern and best quality care. An example can be provided here. Previously nurses were prevented to use oxygen in COPD patients as they believed that it could lead to hypercarbia and acidosis which could lead to death. Nowadays, it is believed that evidence based protocols in turn help to prevent hypoxia and organ failures resulting in larger longevity (Holm et al. 2016). Self governance: It can be defined as the attribute of nursing profession which is encompassed by applicable licensure and legal rules. It requires no supervision or direction from the others giving the nursing professionals the responsibility to take duties for performing responsibilities on their own accountability. In this type of governance, each individual of the nursing profession are expected to maintain their duties and provide the best practices for the betterment if the health conditions of the patients. This would demonstrate the ability of the nurses to engage in proper decision making about the management issues (Bradham et al. 2016). It would also demonstrate the ability to engage in the development of standards of practice. It should also include expert confliction resolution skills as well as proper negotiation skills. Often all these may lead to creation of a pressurized situation but the nurses should make themselves skilled to handle all pressures an stresses effectively to dedicat e themselves for the welfare if the patients and provide the best care without feeling stressed or burned out (Consiglio et al. 2014). NMBA standards of nursing practice states that every nurse should think critically and analyze the nursing practice to bring out the best outcomes in standard 1.. An example can be provided. Often family members of the patients force or request the nurses to tell them about the confidential information about the patients when the patient himself does not want to disclose to families. This might create a very strenuous situation for the nurse as it might lead to legal obligations. Here it is the capability of the nurse to handle such situations under pressure effectively and come out victorious. References: Bradham, C.U., Dalme, F.C. and Thompson, P.J., 2016. Personality traits valued by practicing nurses and measured in nursing students.Journal of Nursing Education,29(5), pp.225-232. Clavelle, J.T., OGrady, T.P., Weston, M.J. and Verran, J.A., 2016. Evolution of structural empowerment: moving from shared to professional governance.Journal of Nursing Administration,46(6), pp.308-312. Consiglio, C., Borgogni, L., Vecchione, M. and Maslach, C., 2014. Self-efficacy, perceptions of context, and burnout: a multilevel study on nurses.La Medicina del lavoro,105(4), pp.255-268. Holm, K.E., Casaburi, R., Cerreta, S., Gussin, H.A., Husbands, J., Porszasz, J., Prieto-Centurion, V., Sandhaus, R.A., Sullivan, J.L., Walsh, L.J. and Krishnan, J.A., 2016. Patient involvement in the design of a patient-centered clinical trial to promote adherence to supplemental oxygen therapy in COPD.The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research,9(3), pp.271-279 Ott, J. and Ross, C., 2014. The journey toward shared governance: the lived experience of nurse managers and staff nurses.Journal of nursing management,22(6), pp.761-768. Prenestini, A., Calciolari, S., Lega, F. and Grilli, R., 2015. The relationship between senior management team culture and clinical governance: Empirical investigation and managerial implications.Health care management review,40(4), pp.313-323. Smith, A., Latter, S. and Blenkinsopp, A., 2014. Safety and quality of nurse independent prescribing: a national study of experiences of education, continuing professional development clinical governance.Journal of advanced nursing,70(11), pp.2506-2517